MBE Equity Multiplier

Are you a founder of a business that is ready to scale?

Do you have passion, the dream to be a household name?

Do you face barriers in your journey?

The Equity Multiplier Project could be for you. Many founders are not able to prepare themselves to approach and interact with investors. We have the methods, tools, and expertise to help you prepare:

Financial statements, forecasts, valuations, market reports, pitch deck and pitch coaching.

These tools are critical to success and typically cost up to $10,000. The Equity Multiplier Project supports qualified* founders with these invaluable tools for a small fee:

Revenue $0-$100k = $200,  Revenue $100k-$5m = $500,  Revenue $5m+ = $2500

*Founders will be assessed through the intake form and initial call.

Click here to access the Intake Form

Read how serial entrepreneur Sheetal Bahirat took advantage of the equity multiplier project to gain access to investors and receive equity.

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Sheetal, Reveal founderreveal bottle



Equity Multiplier Intake Form

All of our services are available to minority business leaders across the U.S. Begin taking advantage of our services by completing the MBE Equity Multiplier Intake Form.

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